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Client Commitment and Eligibility

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Client applications for the 2022 program year will open on February 14, 2022. KP Projects are not for every nonprofit, and now is not the right time for all client candidates. Client Executive Directors and Board members must commit to accessibility and active participation throughout the project. More importantly, they must demonstrate that they will have the organizational capacity to act upon the KP team’s recommendations after the project ends. While staff members may be able to provide data and basic information, KP projects are most successful when an organization’s leader actively engages and participates in the project process. Clients benefit from learning along the way, and engaged leaders are more likely to embrace the recommendations to assure implementation. As a baseline, KP clients must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a 501 (c) 3
  2. Have a minimum of three full-time paid staff members
  3. Have an annual budget of at least $750,000
  4. Have an active Board of Directors
  5. Have a mission and services that support KP’s Talent Supply Chain model
  6. Establish a strategic partnership with KP
  7. Not promote specific religious or political beliefs