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Respite Care Service

Location: Maryland


Respite is a short-term relief service provided when your regular caregiver is absent or needs a break. The service is provided in your home and/or community settings to meet planned or emergency situations, giving caregivers a time free from their role as care provider. Description
Respite care can be provided in your home, a family member’s home, or in a certified overnight camp. Specific tasks are included in the individual plan and generally replace those normally performed by the absent family member to support independence.

Family members, who do not reside on your property, can provide respite services if they meet
certain conditions:

  • You really want this person to provide respite;
  • The services will support your independence and community integration;
  • The family member’s tasks will be stated in the IP and followed correctly; and
  • Spouses and legally responsible relatives are not allowed to be paid for respite services.